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INI File  |  2006-01-13  |  708b  |  41 lines

  1. [languages]
  2. default=ENGLISH
  3. available=
  4. [options]
  5. title=Digital Press Kit
  6. welcome=
  7. buttons=1
  8. column=1
  9. bitmap=
  10. splashdelay=
  11. uselanguage=0
  12. about=Please call or e-mail us with any questions or comments.  -  (818)954-7118  -  photolab@warnerbros.com
  13. bckgndcolor=9e9e9e
  14. background=%cdroot%\tray.bmp
  15. backgroundstyle=size
  16. requireintroyes=0
  17. intromessage=
  18. timeout=60
  19. splashbordercolor=000000
  20. splashborderwidth=
  21. welcomestyle=
  22. welcomesize=18
  23. welcomeface=Arial
  24. welcomefontcolor=000000
  25. sound=
  26. abouticon=,0
  27. abouttitle=WB Photo Lab
  28. eula=
  29. eulaagree=
  30. eulafile=
  31. [0]
  32. title=Click To Start
  33. icon=,0
  34. file=%cdroot%\start.exe
  35. closeonclick=0
  36. fontcolor=000000
  37. style=b,i
  38. size=16
  39. face=Arial
  40. sound=